We exist to know Jesus
and to make Him known

Welcome to Morningstar!

Our church endeavors to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations and to magnify the supremacy of God in all of life.

Worship with us every Sunday at 9am or 11am. 

Plan to take some time between the services to get connected with coffee & conversation.


What’s Happening

Adopt a Missionary

Preaching the Epistles

January 14 to March 4

Father's Day

Men's Bible Study

Saturday, March 15

Missions Service

The Christian Home

Sunday, February 16, 2025
9:00 & 11:00am


The Gospel B.C.

The whole Bible is Christ-centred. The Bible is not just history: it is His-story.
But sometimes we can forget this over-arching theme of Scripture and so fail to look to Jesus as we ought, especially in the Old Testament. 
So join us for this series as we learn that the Gospel is not just found in the gospels and following, but even before Jesus was born into this world!

To read more about our God First
Creating Hope Together Campaign:

Who We Are

We Love
the Gospel

Theology and doctrine are critically important to us. The Gospel shapes everything we do.

We Love
our Neighbours

“Love your neighbour as yourself” (Mark 12:31). We strive to do this well through our various ministries.

We Love
the Nations

With the nations in our backyard, we have a unique opportunity to serve our city and beyond.

Watch Our Sunday Livestream at 9:00 & 11:00 AM