Our church is happily dependent on the Lord through the regular giving of our members. Your consistency provides stability, strength and support to Morningstar Ministry.

Our church is happily dependent on the Lord through the regular giving of our members. Your consistency provides stability, strength and support to Morningstar Ministry.
If you would like to make a financial gift to Morningstar Christian Fellowship, there are several options available. In all instances, the church will issue you a receipt for tax purposes at the end of the year.
5 Ways to Give
Online via Pushpay Website
Visit Morningstar’s Pushpay webpage to give online.
Mobile App: ‘Morningstar Scarborough’
Download our ‘Morningstar Scarborough’ App and click the ‘Give’ button that will take you to the Pushpay site.
Interact eTransfer
Send your eTransfer to “etransfer@morningstarfellowship.ca”
Mail or Drop off at the Church
Drop off your envelope in the mail slot at the lower entrance of the church.
Text ‘Morningstarcf’ to 77977
Send your gift via text by texting “Morningstarcf” to 77977

Give via Pushpay
We recently switched to a new system (PushPay) to make your online giving easier, faster and more secure than ever. Now you can give by simply downloading the Morningstar App (search “Morningstar Scarborough” in app store) or online in just seconds. The first time you give you can set up your secure account and from then on you’ll be all set.