Next Steps
We want to see all our church members grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. We’ll help guide you through our discipleship pathway.

Next Steps
We want to see all our church members grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. We’ll help guide you through our discipleship pathway.
How can I grow as a disciple at Morningstar?
We are so excited that you want to grow spiritually in the Lord Jesus Christ! In fact, Jesus calls you and all of us to “mature” in Christ (Colossians 1:28). If you are ready to take the first step to grow, here is how to get started:
Starting your new life in Christ
Perhaps you don’t know what this “new life” in Christ is all about and you have a lot of questions! If you are seeking God, a good place to start is our Alpha Course.
You may already understand your spiritual need for Jesus. But, how do you get to know him? You are ready learn about Jesus so you can eventually love and follow him—that’s called “discipleship”! Sign up as a Care Partner and we will find you a mentor to walk with you through our Discipleship Pathway. Contact info@morningstarfellowship.ca.
Once you complete the Alpha Course and are discipled as a Care Partner, you are ready to be baptized and to join our church family as a member!
Baptism and membership
Over lunch, you and your mentor will celebrate with other disciples your readiness to be baptized as well as do final baptism preparation. Then, for four more lunch sessions, the Membership Class will help you get settled into the Morningstar Church family. The class shows you how your growth as a disciple now involves growing as part of the church family: in fellowship groups and also church-wide ministries!
Growing as a Disciple in the Fellowship and Family of God
In the same way that a newborn infant grows up in the family, born again disciples of Jesus are to grow up in God’s spiritual family, the church. Next, be sure to find a Connection Group where you can share your life and grow spiritually with your fellowship family. Finally, as you grow as a disciple, you will find that you will want to serve Jesus by using your spiritual gifts! Find a ministry where you can glorify Jesus as his disciple by serving him and his people!
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