Here at Morningstar Christian Fellowship we want to see you grow closer to God and connect with the body of Christ.

Here at Morningstar Christian Fellowship we want to see you grow closer to God and connect with the body of Christ.
Ministries to help you grow and connect:
Kids Ministry
Morningstar Kids partners with parents and provides children with experiences, resources, and skills that encourage them to be followers of Jesus.
Fusion (Youth Ministry)
We want to see students know the gospel, grow in their faith, live out the gospel in daily life, and lead other people to Jesus.
Young Adults
We create a context for young adults at Morningstar to move deeper with Jesus, and join God in his renewal of the world through the gospel.
Women’s Ministry
Grow closer to Jesus through his Word, and closer to each other through gospel-grounded community.
Men’s Ministry
Learn to lead well, love well, and serve well by getting to know Jesus better, through his Word.
LAFFERS (Life After Fifty-Five)
We want to regularly celebrate together the fact that, for the Christian, the best is always yet to come.
Ministry Groups
Meet and form authentic relationships, work through questions, serve the community, and experience the gospel in ways we can’t on our own.
Ministries to help you serve:
Abilities Ministry
We seek to bring the community and church together to strengthen our shared responsibility for the inclusion of people with disabilities. Come and serve with us!
Biblical Counselling Ministry
Counsel those in need by using the Bible to teach what God’s Word says to a person’s particular issues and trials.
Care Ministry
Every member of the body is connected to the other members. We would love your help to ensure that no one at Morningstar feels alone or neglected.
Outreach Ministry
The Great Commission calls every believer, in every age, to the wonderful work of disciple-making. Join us as we seek to follow Jesus’ command together!
Worship Ministry
If you feel gifted to serve the Lord and his church through music, we would love to have you join our team!
Pregnancy Care Center
We envision a city where no woman faces an unexpected pregnancy alone; where every mother and father has access to care, support, and community. Help us achieve that vision by volunteering with us!
Join a Ministry
If you’re interested in joining any of these ministries, please contact us at info@morningstarfellowship.ca