GOD FIRST – Creating Hope Together
Morningstar Christian Fellowship has glorified God as a gospel-centered multi-ethnic congregation by encouraging believers to grow in their faith and by declaring the good news of the Gospel as we’ve celebrated God saving numerous lives.
We’re thankful we have been blessed with a building where we can grow together serve together and share the hope of Christ together. We recognize that our building needs significant repairs. We have ten sections of roof. We have a dated lighting infrastructure. The HVAC system is aging. The elders have used reserved funds we had set aside for the last number of years for necessary repairs. Those funds have diminished, and we recognized the importance of bringing the need before the congregation.
To do this we are launching the God First Creating Hope Together campaign this month. We’re asking God to prayerfully provide for the campaign and we’re asking everyone to prayerfully consider their part. The campaign will last between now and the end of June. We invite you to join us in November as our sermon series examines stewardship. Pastor Justin will be preaching for the first three weeks and Dwayne Cline will conclude on the fourth week. We would encourage all of you to join us for the entire month. Our small groups and Men’s and Women’s ministries will also be participating with us.
The goal for the God First Creating Hope Together Campaign is $350,000 to be raised between now and the end of June, 2025. This will be above and beyond your regular giving at Morningstar. We long for the ministry of Morningstar to continue to flourish. We can’t wait to see what God will do.
Online Commitment Card

I/we are fully supportive of the mission and vision of Morningstar Christian Fellowship and want to make the following commitment:
But seek first his Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33
How Can I Pray?
Please pray for two things:
- Ask God to provide for us as a CHURCH.
- Ask God how He will use YOU in this campaign.
How Can I Give?
Funds can be designated to the God First Campaign through all methods of giving.